
Is The Boltor Good Warframe

AladVPortrait d.png

"Market forces dictate that you need to evolve or dice."

Boltor Prime is Vaulted.

The Void Relics for this item accept been removed from the drop tables and do non driblet during gameplay at this fourth dimension. Vaulted Void Relics already contained in player inventories are not affected and can still be either opened or traded between players.

Fires Orokin designed bolts that are faster and sharper.

The Boltor Prime is the Prime variant of the Boltor.pngBoltor burglarize, featuring higher harm, critical chance, disquisitional multiplier, status chance, accuracy, fire rate, and slightly faster reload speed.

Characteristics [ ]

  • This weapon deals primarily DmgPunctureSmall64.pngPuncture impairment.
  • Bolts fired stick to their target, and will fling bodies on impale.
    • The body will damage targets in its path.
    • Corpses can be pinned to terrain.


  • Flung bodies help in dealing with crowds.
  • Low recoil.
  • Normal Set on
    • Above average magazine
    • Above boilerplate effective burn charge per unit
    • Above average max ammo
    • High status hazard


  • Projectiles have travel time with slight arcing.
  • Normal Attack
    • Low crit chance
    • Below boilerplate damage
    • Low reload speed
    • Below average disposition


  • Boltor Prime number (Normal Attack), compared to Boltor (Normal Assail):
  • Boltor Prime (Normal Attack), compared to Telos Boltor (Normal Attack):
    • Higher base damage per projectile (46 vs. 30)
    • Higher full impairment (46 vs. 30)
    • Lower base critical chance (12.00% vs. 30.00%)
    • Lower base critical multiplier (two.0x vs. 2.4x)
    • College base of operations status run a risk (34.00% vs. 16.00%)
    • Higher boilerplate damage per tap (51.52 vs. 42.half dozen)
    • Higher burst DPS (515.two vs. 397.45)
    • College sustained DPS (368 vs. 318.27)
    • College fire charge per unit (10 vs. ix.33)
    • Smaller magazine (60 vs. 90)
    • More accurate (50 vs. 25)
    • Higher Mastery Rank required (13 vs. 12)
    • No innate Truth effect

Acquisition [ ]

Lith, Meso, Neo, and Axi refer to Void Relics  |  (V) Denotes Vaulted Void Relics  |  (B) Denotes Baro Ki'Teer Exclusive Void Relic

Manufacturing Requirements
Fourth dimension: 12 hrs
Blitz: Platinum64.png l
MarketIcon.png Market Price: Platinum64.png N/A Blueprint2.svg Blueprints Toll:N/A

This weapon can be sold for 7,500 Credits Credits64.png vii,500 .

Vaultings [ ]

  • On February 9th, 2016, it was announced that Boltor Prime would enter the Prime Vault and be retired from the advantage tables on Feb 16, 2016. Whatsoever preexisting components or fully-built weapons will remain as is.
  • Boltor Prime along with AnkyrosPrime.pngAnkyros Prime , BoarPrime.pngBoar Prime , DakraPrime.pngDakra Prime , Mag PrimeIcon272.pngMag Prime , and Rhinoceros Prime were unvaulted on June 27, 2017 to Baronial 1, 2017.
  • Boltor Prime, forth with AnkyrosPrime.pngAnkyros Prime number , HikouPrime.pngHikou Prime , ScindoPrime.pngScindo Prime , Nyx PrimeIcon272.pngNyx Prime number , and Rhino PrimeIcon272.pngRhino Prime number , was once again unvaulted on July 24, 2018 to September 25, 2018. It resurfaced again together with the same line-upward from July 16th, 2019 to September tertiary, 2019.

Notes [ ]

Tips [ ]

  • The Boltor Prime has a knockback outcome on kill that can be used instead of Punch Through and so the modernistic slot can be used for something else.

Trivia [ ]

Media [ ]

Boltor Prime Skins Edit

Patch History [ ]

Update 22.xvi (2018-03-15)

  • Status gamble increased from 32% to 34%.
  • Updated the Boltor Bravura Peel material to announced more metallic (for improved reflections and highlighting) to meliorate friction match the Octavia Maestra Skin.

Hotfix 22.14.ii (2018-03-02)

  • Stock-still Boltor Bravura Skin spawning multiple clips during the reload animation.

Hotfix 22.14.1 (2018-03-01)

  • The Boltor Bravura Pare now has its ain custom reload animation!
  • Fixed missing reload sounds for the Boltor Bravura Pare.

Update 22.14 (2018-03-01)

  • Boltor Bravura Skin added.

Hotfix 22.12.3 (2018-02-12)

  • Minor sound remastering updates take been made to the Boltor Prime

Update 22.12 (2018-02-09)

  • Mastery Rank increased from 2 to 13.
  • Status run a risk increased from x% to 32%.
  • Critical gamble increased from five% to 12%.
  • Damage decreased from 55 to 46.

Update 19.5 (2016-12-22)

  • Conclave Mag Size reduced from 60 to 36 for the Boltor Prime.

Update xix.0 (2016-eleven-xi)

  • Fixed Boltor (series) projectiles absorbing/preventing melee damage for a curt fourth dimension.
  • Fixed projectile weapons (i.e. Boltor) with Punch Through not going through allies.

Update: The Silver Grove (2016-08-19)

  • Fixed crash when you destroy a Blunt with projectiles stuck to it. (eg shoot it with Boltor)

Hotfix eighteen.6.2 (2016-03-22)

  • Conclave damage has been reduced for the Boltor Prime.

Update 17.ix (2015-10-28)

  • Day of the Dead skin added.

Update 17.4 (2015-09-09)

  • Stock-still missing weapon trails from projectiles created past the Boltor Prime.

Update sixteen.5 (2015-05-12)

  • Available for use in Conclave.

Hotfix 16.2.i (2015-04-06)

  • Stock-still Latron Prime Blueprint dropping from Reinforced Orokin Loot Crates instead of Boltor Prime Blueprint.

Hotfix 15.13.1 (2015-02-05)

  • Fixed Boltor Prime number's fabric colors not displaying properly.

Update xv.13 (2015-02-05)

  • Received the PBR treatment.

Hotfix xiv.ii.4 (2014-08-23)

  • Increased conclave ratings.

Hotfix 12.4.four (2014-03-10)

  • Fixed Burglarize Ammo Mutation modernistic non being compatible with Boltor Prime.

Hotfix 12.4.1 (2014-03-06)

  • Disabled skins on Boltor Prime.

Update 12.4 (2014-03-05)

  • Introduced.

See also [ ]

Is The Boltor Good Warframe,


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